Monday, May 27, 2019

Follow these Ways to Prevent Breast and Prostate Cancer and Reduce Your Risk

I am going to tell you that You can prevent Breast Cancer to follow these following ways-

1. You Need To Be Physically Active

Daily exercise is the best way to be active. So you need to make sure daily exercise in your routine. Because of Regular exercise is also one of the best ways to help keep weight in check. You can prevent from Breast Cancer by using exercise. Best Breast Cancer Treatment in India.

Breast Cancer Treatment in India

2. You Need To Eat Best Fruits & Vegetables

A healthy diet may help lower the risk of breast cancer. So try to eat a lot of best fruits and vegetables. While moderate drinking can be good for the heart in older adults but if you drink more, you need to quit or cut down.

3. Don’t Ever Smoke

You know already, the smoking is a biggest reason of cancer. On top of lowering quality of life and increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and at least 15 cancers – including Breast Cancer – it also causes smelly breath, bad teeth, and wrinkles. So if you want to prevent from breast cancer than you have to avoid smoking.

4. Limit dose and duration of hormone therapy

Combination hormone therapy for more than three to five years increases the risk of breast cancer. If you decide that the benefits of short-term hormone therapy outweigh the risks, use the lowest dose that works for you and continue to have your doctor monitor the length of time you're taking hormones.

Best Ways to Prevent Prostate Cancer:

Prostate Cancer Treatment in India
I would like tell you, there is no prevention strategy of proven Prostate Cancer. But if you take healthy food, Fruits and vegetables properly and make sure daily exercise in your routine, you can reduce your risk of prostate cancer.

But if you are bothering from Breast Cancer or Prostate Cancer, You don’t worry because of Breast Cancer Treatment and Prostate Cancer Treatment available in India.

The Medical Services of India provide the best and reasonable breast and Prostate Cancer Treatment in India with highly educated & experienced team of doctors for Surgery and treatment.  


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